Published on May 28, 2016
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Expected Questions: Seating Arrangements

Directions (1-5): Study the following information carefully to answer the given questions:

Six persons-A, B, C, D, E and F – are sitting in two cars namely X and Y but not necessarily in the same order. Out of six persons two are driving the cars. There are three persons in each car ad one persons must be on front seat besides the person who is driving the car. In car X, D is neither driving nor sitting on the back seat. F is sitting on the back seat in Car Y. C is on the driver’s seat but not in the Car X. A is neither driving nor travelling in the Car Y. E is not on the driver’s seat in any car.

1) Who among the following is on the driver’s seat in the Car X?

(a) D (b) F (c) B (d) Cannot be determined (e) None of these

2) Who among the following is sitting on the front seat in the Car Y?

(a) E (b) A (c) F (d) Cannot be determined (e) None of these

3) Which of the following groups of three persons are travelling in the Car X?

(a) B, E and F (b) B, D and E (c) A, C and E (d) A, B and D

(e) None of these

4) Which of the following pairs represents the persons sitting on the front seats in the Car X and Car Y respectively?

(a) E and F (b) D and E (c) B and E (d) A and C (e) None of these

5) If D shifts his position to the driver’s seat in his car, who will shift his position to the driver’s seat in other car?

(a) E (b) F (c) A (d) B (d) C